Friday, January 11, 2013

Butterfly Image

This is my butterfly image. The "frame" was made by making 2 rectangles and applying a bevel. My signature was  made using the text box tool and changing the font. I also gave it silver stroke. Next, I drew the mountains with the polygon lasso tool. The stem of the flower is a green line 3 leaves that are scaled copies of an original. The petals were with the polygon lasso tool and copied and rotated. The head is a brown filled ellipse with a grid pattern. The sun is an ellipse with a linear gradient effect. There is a larger ellipse be hind it with a ellipse gradient effect. The butterflies wings were made with the polygon lasso tool and have a slight gradient effect. On top of that there is black lines and white ellipses. The body is an ellipse edited with the freeform and reshape area tool. It also has white ellipses and brown lines. Lastly, the attenae are black lines I changed with the freeform tool.


     The canvas is yellow, while all of the lines are simply different colors of the pencil tool.
     This represents anxiety because the lines are a jumbled mess all over the place, like one's thoughts while anxious.

        I made this by making a black ellipse and centering it to the canvas. Then I made a blue rectangle and gave it a swish pattern of 50%. Around the ellipse I made a doughnut shape with the same pattern with a slightly darker blue.
        This represents apathy because the object in the center appears oblivious to what is happening around it.
       First I created a blue rectangle around my canvas. I then applied a folds gradient effect and moved it down into the bottom right corner.
       This symbolizes sadness because of the blue color and how it is going downward, like how when people are sad they are sometimes called "blue" or "down".
      For this one I simply created a rectangle and applied a linear effect to it. I then added the 7 colors of the rainbow and spaced them out evenly.
      This represents hope because no matter how bad the rain is, there will always be an ending, signalled by a rainbow.
       On this image I created a blue rectangle around my canvas. I made another rectangle on the layer above that and gave it a Line-Vert 1 of 50%. Lastly I skewed the bottom towards the center.
 This represents surprise because the lighter section starts out small and quickly opens up, like a person's alertness when they get surprised.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


This is my eye. The eyebrows were made using the pencil tool. The skin behind the eye was made using the ellipse tool and applying a gradient effect. The eyelashes are all rotated copies made with the line tool and edited with the free-form tool. The vitreous body (white area) was a white filled ellipse I reshaped with the marquee, free-form, and reshape area tools. The Iris (colored area) was a ellipse with a brown fill and a Line-Vert pattern of 15%. The pupil is a black ellipse with 2 white ellipses for a shine effect.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Spot Color

This was the orignal image. When all but the planet and the road was converted to greyscale, the picture becomes...

The planet was all selected  with the magic wand tool with a tolerence of 30. The road was selected with the oval and rectangle marquee tools. I then selected the inverse and converted it to greyscale.
This is my original sunflower field. I converted all but the largest sunflower to sepia tone to create...

I created this by selecting the head and the petals with the magic wand tool with a tolerance of 30. I then used the polygon lasso tool to select the stem and leaves. I then selected the inverse and converted the rest to sepia tone.

 This was created by selecting most of the tree with the polygon lasso tool. I then deselcted (by holding ALT) most of the background from the selection area and converted it to sepia tone.

Text Paths

To start out I made my canvas black and used the text tool to write out my name. I then converted the text to paths and ungrouped them. Then, for each letter I selected 8 different letters and copied one picture into each letter. Lastly, I trimmed the canvas around my text.

Custom Font

To start out I made a text box and typed in my name. Then I converted that text to paths, and then ungrouped them. Then with the subselect tool I grabbed the vertices and changed them to create my own custom font. Then, with the paint bucket tool, I gave each letter it's own seperate color. I then changed the canvas color and trimmed the canvas to fit around my text.