Thursday, March 28, 2013

Animated GIF- Stick Figure

This is my animated GIF. I made the stick figure by using the line and ellipse tool. The cape is a bitmap. The clouds are groups of ellipses grouped together, and the sun is also an ellipse. The building and bricks are rectangles. Each frame, the clouds moved over 30 pixels to the left and the stick figure moved up or down 30 pixels.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Historical Society Membership Cards

To start out I made 2 rectangles, with a line between them. I reused the logos from my business cards. I then copied in the text and changed it's size and type. Lastly, I extended the signature space and labelled the front and back.

Historical Society Business Cards

To start out I copied in the logo and resized it. For the grey one I used the magic wand and the paint bucket tool to color the logo grey. I then copied in the text and changed the font size to 10 and changed the font on each one.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bioware Business Card

For the cardstock, I would reccommend one with a light grey/off-white hue, although most greys will get the job done. For the  text, I would reccommend using a single color of ink. This ink should be a dark blue, but if none is available, use a blue with a tint of grey.

Face- "Gordan Shepard"

This is my man, Gordon Shepard.

I made the hair by first making an ellipse around the top of his head. I then edited it's shape with the freeform tool. I gave it a brown fill with a sand pattern of 15%.The eyebrows were made with the pencil tool. The ears were ellipses that I reshaped and then I put a series of line on top. The nose is a polygon lasso bitmap with a gradient effect. The lips were an edited ellipse with a curved line on top. The head is a reshaped ellipse.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Logo Redesign

On the left were 4 logos made by Bioware that I used for inspiration for my redesign. The background was a grey rectangle. The words I traced using the magic wand tool on the other logos. The  "a division of EA" was made using a text box with an AR DARLING font waith a size of 65

Monday, March 4, 2013

Eagle Pointillism

This is my eagle pointillism. I started out with a color picture of an eagle and converted it to greyscale. I then selected greyscale colors and used them with a paint brush ranging in tip sizes from 1-10. I then selected the background with the polygon lasso tool and deleted the background.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Swan Business Cards

This is my basic swan card. I first started out making a 300x200 canvas and gave it a green hue. Then, I 
typed the information into a text box in Franklin Gothic Demi text size 30 and 10. Lastly, I imported  the swan and gave it a fill of red with an outer bevel.
 This is my mid-level swan card. The canvas had the same size with a red hue. The text was the same font with a size of 20. The swan had a fill of black with a fiber pattern of 50%.
 This is my professional swan card. The canvas was the same size with a brown hue. The text was Basker Old Face font with a white hue and a size of 20. The swan has a black fill.