Wednesday, November 14, 2012

3 Name Plates

This is my basic nameplate. Being my basic nameplate, it was very simple to create. First, I simply selected the canvas, went to canvas color in the properties menu, and selected a color (in this case it was yellow). Next, I selected the text tool and dragged a box. In the text box, I typed my name in arial unicode MS font with a font size of 51. Lastly, I applied bold, italics, and underlining to the text, and made it blue with the color picker.

Next, we have my mid-level nameplate.The text was the same as before, clicking and dragging a box and then typing my name. Here I changed the font color to green and changed the font to Adobe Caslon Pro bold. Next, instead of changing the background, I used the rectangle tool under vector and clicked and dragged a rectangle to the size of the background. To this, I applied ellipse in the fill category. I then changed the fill color in the fill options menu to red and blue. Finally, I moved the text to the top layer in the pages, layers, frames, and history tab.

This is my last nameplate, my professional nameplate. First, I made a text box like normal. That text was the same font as the basic nameplate, arial unicode MS, with a font size of 50. I then gave it a font color of orange and an outline of dark blue with strong anti-aliasing. Next, I selected the skew tool and pulled the top corners of the text toward it's center, to make it look as if the text was coming out of the screen. After that, I made a rectangle as before and gave it a black outline of 8 pixels with a hard outline. For the fill I gave it the cone pattern and changed the colors to brown and white.

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